Lose Battles Win the War (2016)

Unconditional - The Twin Flames (2016)

Adinkrahene (2016)

Akoma's Blessings (2016)

Odo's Mission (2016)

Eban - Safe in Love (2017)

Duafe (2017)

Kete Pa - Sign Your Name (2017)

Sankofa (2017)

Akoko Nan - The Nurturer (2018)

First Sight - Me Ware Wo (2018)

Mpatapo (2018)

Fawohodie - On the Path of Light (2018)

Hye Won Hye - Phoenix Lady (2018)

A Mother's Arms (2019)

Equity and Sharing (2019)

Unconditional Too - A Human Family (2019)

 Up To Me (2019)

Asaawa (2019)

Gye W'ani (2019)

Akoben (2019)

Fingertips (2019)

Building it (2019)

Akofena - The Protector (2019)

Treasure the Pieces (2019)

Eye of the Beholder (2020)

Abusua Pa - The Award (2020)

Pempamsie (2020)

Nyansapo (2020)

About Blessings (2020)

Wedding Cake (2020)

Mekyia Wo (2020)

The Kite (2020)

Ese Ne Tekrema (2020)

The Kente Weaver - Ananse Ntontan (2021)

Walk with Faith (2021)

Donno Ntoaso (2021)

Fafanto, a Harmony Tale (2022)

Fafanto Too, Harmony Fruit (2022)

Nnampo Pa Baanu - Two Good Friends (2022)

Denkyem (2022)

Owia A Repue - Rising Sun (2023)

Constance (2023)

Constance Too (2023)

Led by Love (2024)

SurFace (2024)

Kekeli (2024)

Gye Nyame (2024)

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Eban - Safe in Love (2017)

Duafe (2017)

Kete Pa - Sign Your Name(2017)

Akoko Nan - The Nurturer (2018)

First Sight - Me Ware Wo (2018)

Sankofa (2017)

Hye Won Hye - Phoenix Lady (2018)

A Mother's Arms (2019)

Equity and Sharing (2019)

Mpatapo (2018)

Fawohodie - On the Path of Light (2018)

Unconditional Too - A Human Family (2019)

Up To Me (2019)

Gye W'ani (2019)

Asaawa (2019)

Akoben (2019)

 Akofena - The Protector (2019)

 Fingertips (2019)

 Building it (2019)

Treasure the Pieces (2019)

 Eye of the Beholder (2020)

 Abusua Pa - the Award (2020)

Nyansapo (2020)

 Wedding Cake  (2020)

Pempamsie (2020)

Mekyia Wo (2020)

Ese Ne Tekrema (2020)

The Kente Weaver - Ananse Ntontan(2021)

Donno Ntoaso (2021)

Walk with Faith (2021)

Fafanto Too, Harmony Fruit (2022)

 Fafanto, a Harmony Tale (2022)

Nnampo Pa Baanu -
Two Good Friends (2022)

Denkyem (2022)

About Blessings (2020)

Odo's Mission (2016)

Owia A Repue (2023)

Akoma's Blessings (2016)

Adinkrahene (2016)

Constance (2023)

Constance  Too (2023)

Unconditional - The Twin Flames (2016)

Led by Love (2024)

Lose Battles Win the War (2016)

SurFace (2024)

Gye Nyame (2024)

Kekeli (2024)

 The Kite (2020)